7 Ways to Rebuild Broken Trust  

Trust is one of the key components for healthy relationships.  Shattered trust will severely crack any friendship, family relationship, or marriage connection.  Broken trust may occur from lies, abuse, infidelity, financial secrets, etc.  Shown below are 7 ideas to rebuild trust in order to restore a relationship bond.

1.  Acknowledge the problem.  The offender must admit that their words or actions demolished the trust.

2.  Sincere repentance.  The offender offers either a verbal or written genuine apology. 

3.  Request forgiveness.  Just saying “I am sorry” is not enough because asking for forgiveness helps validate a repentant attitude.

4.  Choose to forgive.  The offended person needs to offer forgiveness to begin the reconciliation process. 

5.  Restorative words and actions.  The offended person may make a list of words and actions for the offender that will restore faith in the offender.

6.  The offended needs to risk wisely.  Please use reason and logic and understand that rebuilding trust increases 1% at a time through truthful words and honest actions.

7.  Trust is a percentage.  Realize that no one is 100% trustworthy but the higher in the 90th percentile a friendship, family relationship, or marriage is the more likely for a satisfying relationship. 

Today:  If necessary, begin using these 7 steps for rebuilding a broken trust in order to achieve the goal of a healthy reconciliation. 

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I pray these two quotes will honor our fallen heroes who sacrificed their lives for our great nation.     

Monday, May 27, 2019, Memorial Day

“My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”  President John F. Kennedy
“Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it."Unknown


8 Qualities For A Successful Life  

Having a successful life is a worthy goal for all of us.  Research has found that possessing 8 qualities can lead to a productive and enjoyable life. 

1.  Radiate self-confidence.  When self-confident we are enthusiastic, positive, ambitious, supportive of others, happy, and content with life. 

2.  Ask for wisdom.  When pursuing a goal we need to ask, ask, ask, for wisdom from those who have already achieved our dream. 

3.  Determine in advance what we will do and what we will not do.  We have a game plan with specific details in order to not deviate from achieving our goal.

4.  Be willing to take risks and dream big. We must risk wisely and at the same time have significant goals that stretch us.

5.  Realize setbacks are part of life.  We can learn from our “goal delays” and then not repeat mistakes that we made in the past. 

6.  Celebrate successes.  After achieving a goal, it is important to commemorate our triumph by going out for a special meal, having a getaway weekend, going on a special vacation, etc.

7.  Be satisfied with what we have and spend less than we make. We need to understand that “things” don’t bring happiness but it is our journey of serving God and others that makes our life enjoyable. 

8.  Give back to God and charitable organizations.  We are never fully successful unless we are “givers” in many ways including financial gifts to God and charities. 

Today:  Begin incorporating these attributes in order to improve and grow in your personal life.

Enjoyed this post?  Like or share on Facebook and Twitter to spread the word!  Please also “SUBSCRIBE” on my website for future newletters and information about my Christian marriage book.  See past blog posts under Practical Wisdom for Marriage, Parenting, and Life



Similar to the wisdom of Proverbs, every Monday I will share a practical wisdom quote.  I pray this quote will make a difference in your personal life and relationships.  

Monday, May 13, 2019

“I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me.  They have clung to me all my life.”  Abraham Lincoln

10 Ways To Encourage Your Spouse

Perhaps the best synonym for love is value.  One of the best ways to value your spouse is to continually build them up through praise and affirming actions.  Daily encouragement overcomes the disease of complacency.  Shown below are ideas for honoring and esteeming your spouse.

1.  Be a living example of Godliness.

2.  When a mistake is made be quick to forgive because both of you will disappoint one another at times.

3.  Remember “little things” mean a lot so initiate quick kisses, touches, hand holding, etc.

4.  Initiate a surprise “date night.”

5.  Smile regularly and laugh with your spouse

6.  Begin thinking about a special way to celebrate your next anniversary and share your ideas with your spouse.

 7.  Respect your spouse’s opinion even though it may be different than your perspective. 

 8.  Never let a day go by without saying, “I appreciate . . . “

 9.  Place a “love note” on your spouse’s car seat, under their pillow, their purse or briefcase, etc.

 10. Be a “massage therapist” to lift your spouse’s spirits when they are in a low mood.

Today:  Begin valuing spouse through these using these 10 ideas or your own beneficial marital designs.

Enjoyed this post?  Like or share on Facebook and Twitter to spread the word!  Please also “SUBSCRIBE” on my website for future newletters and information about my Christian marriage book.  See past blog posts under Practical Wisdom for Marriage, Parenting, and Life



Similar to the wisdom of Proverbs, every Monday I will share a practical wisdom quote.  I pray this quote will make a difference in your personal life and relationships.  

 “What counts in making a happy marriage is not so much how compatible you are but how you deal with incompatibility.”  Leo Tolstoy

Five Qualities For Dealing With Life Problems

Life is not fair and filled with continual challenges.  Developing mental toughness is an important goal in order to handle various life issues.  Shown below are 5 qualities that can make a difference when a life trial arises. 

1.  Embrace change.  Be flexible and willing to adapt when change occurs because changes are part of daily life.  Recognizing that some type of change is always just around the corner builds mental toughness. 

2. Be confident.  Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t—you are right.”  Overcome any doubt by making things happen and believing in your abilities and talents.

3.  Be positive. With God by your side, have the internal strength and character to find solutions for life difficulties.  When a life crisis occurs have the belief that “I can and I will cope with this problem by searching for answers.” 

4.  Avoid toxic individuals.  Negative, difficult people are emotionally frustrating and can easily drain you and pull you down rather than make your stronger.  Toxic people only hurt your positive attitude.

5.  Let go of setbacks.  Focus your attention on what you did right, not what you did wrong.  Forgetting the past and living in the present moment will empower you toward success.   

Today:  Begin using these 5 qualities and develop more personal assets through daily reading of positive materials. 

Enjoyed this post?  Like or share on Facebook and Twitter to spread the word!  Please also “SUBSCRIBE” on my website for future newletters and information about my Christian marriage book.  See past blog posts under Practical Wisdom for Marriage, Parenting, and Life


Similar to the wisdom of Proverbs, every Monday I will share a practical wisdom quote.  I pray this quote will make a difference in your personal life and relationships.  

“Encourage and support your kids because children are apt to live up to what you believe of them.”  Lady Bird Johnson