


With all the negative news including the pandemic, it is extremely important to develop a positive attitude each day!  One simple, effective way is to have a daily goal to overcome negative thoughts.  Starting today, do the following: 

1.  Begin each day by saying out loud: “This is the day that God has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!”  Psalm 118:24

2.  When you arise start every day with prayer – say the Lord’s Prayer out loud along with other prayers or at a minimum say “thought” prayers. 

3.  Say out loud: “Today with God’s help, I can and I will, I can and I will, I can and I will.” 

4.  “Love your neighbor as yourself” by saying something encouraging to everyone you speak with, email, or text.

5.  Say out loud or even write down in a journal three things you are grateful for. 

Unhealthy thoughts are the result of bad habits.  Implement these five ideas and be amazed at your positive attitude!

 God’s blessings on your life and relationships!

Dr. Randy Schroeder wrote the three-time national award-winning marriage book, Simple Habits for Marital Happiness:  Practical Skills and Tools That Build a Strong Satisfying Relationship.

He also wrote the 2021 parenting book, Simple Habits for Effective Parenting:  Specific Skills and Tools That Achieve Extraordinary Results in Raising a Child. Please watch his Focus on the Family Parenting interview at  www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMU7pE_MagI 

For more than four decades through his writing, speaking, counseling, and teaching, Dr. Schroeder has thoroughly enjoyed enhancing individual lives, enriching couple relationships, and educating parents with practical specific words, behaviors, and commonsense wisdom.

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