
AVAILABLE NOW!!! Simple Habits for Effective Parenting!!!

Simple Habits for Effective Parenting:  Specific Skills and Tools That Achieve Extraordinary Results in Raising a Child is a comprehensive guidebook like no other because it covers all seven main areas of parenting explaining the most effective ways to influence a child to become positive, motivated, and responsible with good decision-making skills. 

This remarkable Christian resource offers solutions to typical parenting challenges and teaches everything a parent needs to be confident, competent, and nurturing!  Simple Habits for Effective Parenting is endorsed by Josh McDowell, bestselling Christian author of over 150 books, Jim Daly, President – Focus on the Family, along with other church leaders.

 These significant, easy-to-understand simple yet effective habits will show how to . . .

 ·        Build a strong parent-child relationship

·        Boost a child’s self-confidence

·        Discipline in loving, meaningful ways

·        Teach successful social skills

·        Inspire good academic effort

·        Create a never give up mindset

·        Strengthen faith in Jesus

Happy, confident children determined to reach their full potential are raised by parents who practice simple yet effective habits daily.  Effective parenting is now within the grasp of everyone involved in leading and encouraging a child! 

For over four decades, Dr. Randy Schroeder, a licensed marriage and family therapist, pastor, and former seminary professor of pastoral counseling, has spoken to and counseled thousands of parents about the simple yet effective habits that are essential for nurturing and raising a child.

Simple Habits for Effective Parenting is available on Amazon or at Crosslink Publishing.



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