

1 Corinthians 13:4 says, “LOVE is kind and thoughtful.” SPOUSES who are KIND and THOUGHTFUL when leaving the home say, “GOODBYE I LOVE YOU” and before going to sleep, “GOOD NIGHT, I LOVE YOU.” The other spouse responds, “I LOVE YOU.”

This GUARANTEES each spouse saying “I LOVE YOU” twice a day!!! Keep in mind, “I LOVE YOU” is MISSING in nearly every troubled marriage!

A more detailed explanation is given in the 2020 Three-Time National Award-Winning book, SIMPLE HABITS FOR MARITAL HAPPINESS.

Learn more Effective Words, Actions, and Commonsense Wisdom from:

2020 Three-Time National Award-Winning book, Simple Habits for Marital Happiness, available at:  Christian Book   Crosslink Publishing  ConcordiaPublishingHouse   Focus on the Family   Amazon

2021 Two-Time National Award-Winning book, Simple Habits for Effective Parenting, available at: Christian Book   Crosslink Publishing  ConcordiaPublishingHouse  Focus on the Family   Amazon

I encourage you to check out the 60+ videos on Dr. Randy Schroeder - YouTube Channel.

God’s richest blessings on your life and relationships!

Dr. Randy Schroeder