A healthy parent-child relationship is built through nurture, laughter, memories, respect, and when necessary, corrective discipline.  Through a strong relationship, an effective parent communicates through words and actions a deep desire for child to develop positive qualities and Godly character to help a child make wise choices throughout their entire life. 

An excellent goal for every parent is to daily praise either a positive attribute within a child or a specific action a child did that was meaningful.  Always use the words, “I appreciate . . .”  Praise creates positive energy within a child!

I had the privilege of joining Jim Daly, President, and John Fuller, VP, for an interview on a national broadcast of Focus on the Family to discuss Effective Parenting.  The interview may be watched at FocusOnTheFamily.com/shows/broadcast or on YouTube.  Please also share the Effective Parenting interview with family and friends. 

Simple Habits for Marital Happiness is a three-time national award-winning marriage book that will absolutely improve and strengthen every couple.  Simple Habits for Effective Parenting is the only resource that covers all seven areas of parenting for leading and guiding a child to be a responsible, motivated, and confident individual. 

Both Marital Happiness and Effective Parenting are available at Amazon or at CrossLinkPublishing.com.

For over four decades, Dr. Randy Schroeder, a licensed marriage and family therapist, pastor, and former seminary professor of pastoral counseling, has spoken to and counseled thousands of parents and spouses about the simple yet effective habits that are essential for healthy relationships.