Dreaming together can make a significant positive difference for your relationship.  As a couple, one way to have fun constructive dreaming is to complete this sentence, “It will be really great when . . . “  By stating a beneficial dream in this manner, you confidently believe that the goal is going to happen, it is just a matter of when.

Use that sentence with five important areas for a marriage: communication, time together, physical affection, sexual intimacy, and faith. 

In terms of communication, “It will be really great when . . .”

In terms of time together, “It will be really great when . . .”

In terms of physical affection, “It will be really great when . . .”

In terms of sexual intimacy, “It will be really great when . . .”

In terms of growing in our faith, “It will be really great when . . .”

When both of you implement this enrichment exercise, you will absolutely improve and strengthen your relationship!  Within the next several days, take action for the sake of your marriage by doing this beneficial exercise!


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