Build A Strong Parent-Child Relationship

A positive, active parent fully understands that a solid parent-child connection is built through a strong relationship based on trust and mutual respect. A parent can possess skills, tools, and knowledge but without a strong relationship a child may struggle with a parent’s rules, have lower self-worth, and be less likely to make responsible decisions. Thus, a parent’s number one goal is to do whatever it takes to ensure that the relationship is totally wholesome through excellent communication.

My Christian parenting book will be released in 2021 to provide numerous skills and tools for making a profound impact on enhancing a child’s self-worth. responsible decision-making, and a strong parent-child relationship.

Simple Habits For Marital Happiness — Winner of Three National Book Awards

The prestigious Next Generation Indie Book Awards selected Simple Habits For Marital Happiness as the 2020 Winner - Relationships.

The 14th Annual National Indie Excellence Premier Book Awards chose Simple Habits For Marital Happiness as the 2020 Winner - Marriage

The esteemed Living Now Awards selected Simple Habits For Marital Happiness as the 2020 Bronze Award Winner for Relationships/Marriage

This Christian marriage resource of common-sense habits shows couples not how to just co-exist, but most importantly, how they can develop a marriage into something rewarding and enriching.  One of the strengths of Simple Habits For Marital Happiness is its simplicity, as it focuses on basics which can be incorporated into everyday relationship life. 

Please spread the word about SIMPLE HABITS FOR MARITAL HAPPINESS: Practical Skills And Tools That Build A Strong SATISFYING RELATIONSHIP  with family members, friends, neighbors, and contacts in ways that are most comfortable for you.

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