7 Ways to Value Your Child

Value is one of the best synonyms for love.  Parents who value their child will develop a responsible decision-making adult one day.  Shown below are seven essentials for valuing a child. 

1. Live your Christian faith.  A parent has the privilege to be a faith example through regular worship, daily prayer life, and godly words and actions.

2. Regular chores.  Give simple work for your child but make it happen regularly.  Work builds both self-confidence and self-worth. 

3. Listen attentively.  Listen closely by reflecting back what your child tells you.

4. Compliment effort more than correct errors. Positive words encourage while hurtful, critical words discourage.

5. Take misbehavior seriously.  Never just “smile” or even laugh when your child makes a mistake but let misbehavior be a teaching lesson through consequences or taking away privileges.

6. Have one on one time.  Focused one on one contact will make a significant difference in your child’s emotional and developmental well-being. 

7. Value by never devaluing your child.  Sarcasm, hurtful teasing, ridicule, not spending time together, etc. will damage your child’s self-worth.  Instead, communicate a constant belief in your child’s abilities and help them achieve their goals. 

Today:  Implement these seven ideas along with your own wonderful skills and tools for valuing your child.    

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