Time Means Everything!  

On Wednesdays I post a practical wisdom thought or suggestion on Marriage, Parenting, or Life. A wonderful synonym for LOVE IS TIME!  You can determine what you love in life by how you spend your time.  Are we spending most of our time on hobbies, television, work, video games, projects, technology, etc.?

Great marriages, happy families, and responsible children are the result of planned time together in so many ways.  Leisure time, mealtimes, laughing time, working time, one-on-one time, prayer time, enrichment time, faith time, life-long education time, relaxing time are all essential for a satisfying life and rewarding relationships.

We absolutely cannot let our lives and our time happen by chance!  Consciously planning and scheduling our personal time and relationship time makes the critical difference!

TODAY:  Plan your personal and relationship time to have a meaningful life and close connections with spouse, children, family, and friends!

 #marriagehelp #parenthelp #marriagetip

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