Regular Marriage Dates Are Essential

Every Wednesday I will post a practical wisdom thought or suggestion on marriage, parenting, or life. Regular Marriage Dates Are Essential

During the premarital period, most couples enjoyed dates with each other at least once or twice per week.  Those “Special Date Times” were a major factor for enhancing feelings of love, thereby, creating a strong, rewarding relationship and the desire to eventually marry.

Sadly, although a common occurrence before the wedding ceremony, after the second year of marriage most couples stop having regular dates outside the home.  And without consistent bi-monthly dates, it can be very difficult to have a satisfying marriage.

After helping more than a thousand marriages, I have found that couples with gratifying relationships usually have “Special Date Times” at least twice per month.  Those regular dates allow a couple to lovingly look into each other’s eyes with full focused attention resulting in a stronger emotional bond.  To have a happy marriage and stay emotionally connected, set a goal to return to your premarital romance times of frequent dates.

 TODAY:  Whether a date costs nothing or is an expensive one, plan a fun outing together within the next two weeks and continue that significant healthy habit at least twice per month. 

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