

Similar to the wisdom of Proverbs, every Monday I will share a practical wisdom quote.  I pray this quote will make a difference in your personal life and relationships.  

“Children are not casual guests in our home. They have been loaned to us temporarily for the purpose of loving them and instilling a foundation of values on which their future lives will be built.”  James Dobson

10 Helpful Homework Ideas


Parents can play a major role in parenting their children for a successful school experience.  Here are 10 ways that parents can support and supplement what takes place in the classroom.  I will also post these homework ideas again next August. 

1.         Allow your child some time to unwind after school.

2.         Avoid the pressure of school by making homework a comfortable activity.

3.         Determine your child’s biological clock.  When is their best time for studying – before dinner or immediately after dinner.

4.         Create a quiet, study environment for your child to do homework, with good lighting and             necessary supplies. 

5.         Help your child with learning how to break major homework assignments into manageable chunks.

6.         Look over the homework after it is completed to see that it is neat and totally finished.

7.         Show interest in your child’s school work by displaying it on a bulletin board or the refrigerator.

8.         Help your child learn to study effectively for tests by:

            *          reviewing notes several days before the test

            *          asking the teacher what the test will cover

            *          save past quizzes because they are great study guides

 9.         Make sure your child gets enough sleep every night.

 10.       Compliment!  Compliment!  Compliment!  When your child works hard at their homework always reaffirm them with, “I really appreciate your wonderful effort!”

 Today:  Begin implementing these 10 helpful homework ideas. 

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7 Essential Goals For A Healthy Parent

A healthy parent desires to lead and guide their child to be a motivated, responsible decision-maker.  A wholesome parent also attempts to do their very best in order to help their child be successful in every area of life.  Focusing on 7 Essential Goals can assist a parent in achieving those objectives. 

1.         Provide unconditional love both verbally and physically. Daily, tell your child “I love you no matter what” and give numerous loving physical touches.  Unconditional love is always important but especially once your child is in double digits.

 2.         Only give your child positive labels, NEVER negative labels.  Your child will fulfill whatever label or reputation you place on their forehead.  Use the words “I appreciate” when giving the positive label.  For example, “I appreciate your positive attitude” or “hard work” or “great decision-making,” etc. 

 3.         Treat your child like they are 3 years older than their age.  Expecting your child to be 3 years more mature than their age will instill confidence, produce a positive attitude, and build excellent decision-making skills. 

 4.         Compliment more than you correct.  Unfortunately, most parents falsely believe the goal is to focus on just correcting errors. Instead, compliment your child’s efforts more than their outcome.  Search for what your child is doing right and give many “I appreciate” compliments. 

 5.         Be consistent, decisive, and have firm limits. It is so easy to give your child a second, third, fourth, and even fifth chance.  However, by not expecting your child to respond the first time, you are being inconsistent and indecisive which can create various difficulties for your child.  

 6.         Lead and guide your child by being brief.  Don’t try to influence your child’s heart by talking and reasoning way too much.  Talking a lot, debating, and arguing with your child will usually create “parent deafness” where they turn off the volume. Simply, be brief, be decisive, and have firm limits!

7.         Be a role model.  Example is not the best teacher, example is the only teacher.  More things in life are caught than taught.  As both an individual and parent, be operating at a higher level in all aspects of life than your child. 

This Week:  Discuss with your child’s other parent or a significant family member where you can improve for the sake of your child. 

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